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> Crash Courses for those who
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> Classes focused on Culture for
application in the Real World

> Learn Language, Customs,
Idioms, Lingo, Music, Art, and Traditions

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Learn Anywhere in the World, whether at Home, at school, at Work, or Abroad!


Private Lessons with a certified ELE tutor to either introduce you to Spanish or strengthen Your Skills!


Be ready for that next Job, Project, Vacation, or Adventure!

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World Map of Countries of Spanish Speakers

Top 3 Native Spoken Languages

  • Mandarin – 880Mi
  • Spanish – 437Mi
  • English – 400Mi
Total Spanish Speakers
  • 437Mi Native Spanish Speakers
  • 472Mi Spanish Speakers with Native Competence
  • 567Mi Spanish Speakers – as 1st or 2nd Language

Official Spanish Speaking Countries

Most Spoken Language is Spanish

Total Spanish Speakers in the World


Higher Salaries for Spanish Speakers