Crash Course
1-On-1 ClassesSudden travel plans can be daunting.
Not being prepared is Worse.
Are You suddenly being deployed to a Spanish speaking country… in like 2 weeks?
Are You going on a missionary trip to a Latin country… but You leave next week?
Perhaps You have an emergency for work, you will be there for a short period – but…
You are leaving right now, tonight!
Solution: My Spanish Connection “Crash Course – 1-On-1 Classes“.
It is a Fun, Friendly, Safe, and Cost-effective, 1-On-1 Online Classes, 10 or 5 Class Program, on Skype , for those who are travelling very soon, in a hurry, to a Spanish speaking country – or are already there on location Right Now!
You will get an accelerated, stripped down course to survive!
My Spanish Connection (MySC) has you covered, here to support You and Your needs, as You are launched into a New World!
Survival Fundamentals
Learn at Your Speed
Crash Course 10
30% OFF!- 10 Class Program – $500 Value!
- 1-On-1 Lessons
- 50 min/Class
Crash Course 5
20% OFF!- 5 Class Program – $250 Value!
- 1-On-1 Lessons
- 50 min/Class
Start Now!
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